Newsom Lingo Bingo
If you plan on watching, or listening to, Gov. Gavin Newsom's State of the State address, why not have a bit of fun in the process and play Bingo with Newsom's famous lingo!
How do I play? You score a Bingo by filling in a row, column or diagonal line of boxes on the card below. If playing online, click or tap the box if Newsom says the lingo. If you printed this out, mark the box with any writing utensil of your choice — I personally like a Sharpie.
Wait, I can print this? Sure can.
What do I win? Mad props for a) watching/listening to a State of the State address, and b) playing this game. But how about this: screenshot your card when you get a Bingo, and send it over to twitter with the #CASOTS. That should amuse some people!
- John Osborn D'Agostino
Rotate your phone to landscape mode in order to play.